Nashville | Hillsboro Village

Phone: 615.383.6964

Office Address: 2206 21st Ave. S, Nashville TN

Office Hours: 9:00 - 5:00 | Monday - Friday

Managing Broker: Lee Pfund

Managing Broker: Zach Brickner

Teams And Agents in Office

Portrait of Fleet Abston,

Fleet Abston

Portrait of Shelbi Aimonetti,

Shelbi Aimonetti

Portrait of Newell Anderson,

Newell Anderson

Portrait of Cassidy Andrews,

Cassidy Andrews

Portrait of Kristen Arrington, Realtor®

Kristen Arrington

Portrait of Crystal Atkinson,

Crystal Atkinson

Portrait of Tara Avery,

Tara Avery

Portrait of Jackie Barnard,

Jackie Barnard

Portrait of Amy Barnes,

Amy Barnes

Portrait of Tena Beard, REALTOR

Tena Beard

Portrait of Sarah Beardsley,

Sarah Beardsley

Portrait of Amy Bennett,

Amy Bennett

Portrait of Lindsay Bennett,

Lindsay Bennett

Portrait of Brittany Benson,

Brittany Benson

Portrait of Leo Bermudez,

Leo Bermudez

Portrait of Chris Bevacqua,

Chris Bevacqua

Portrait of Justin Billingham,

Justin Billingham

Portrait of David Binkley, REALTOR®

David Binkley

Portrait of Drew Blumenshine,

Drew Blumenshine

Portrait of Ronnie Booth,

Ronnie Booth

Portrait of Ronnie Lee Booth III,

Ronnie Lee Booth III

Portrait of Joel Borski, REALTOR®

Joel Borski

Portrait of Angela Bostelman,

Angela Bostelman

Portrait of Nicole Brady,

Nicole Brady

Portrait of Joe Branham,

Joe Branham

Portrait of Sarah Bremer,

Sarah Bremer

Portrait of Liam Brock,

Liam Brock

Portrait of Adam Brooks,

Adam Brooks

Portrait of Parker Brown,

Parker Brown

Portrait of Jonathan Buntin,

Jonathan Buntin

Portrait of Molly Burgdorf,

Molly Burgdorf

Portrait of Marshall Burridge,

Marshall Burridge

Portrait of AJ Calvin, REALTOR

AJ Calvin

Portrait of Tifinie Capehart, REALTOR®

Tifinie Capehart

Portrait of Loy Carney,

Loy Carney

Portrait of Jackson Carroll,

Jackson Carroll

Portrait of John Chambers,

John Chambers

Portrait of Anne Chenoweth,

Anne Chenoweth

Portrait of Matthew Christie, REALTOR®

Matthew Christie

Portrait of Stacey Cleghon,

Stacey Cleghon

Portrait of Bill ClenDening,

Bill ClenDening

Portrait of Amy Clitheroe,

Amy Clitheroe

Portrait of Julianne Colbert,

Julianne Colbert

Portrait of Sam Coleman-Dancer,

Sam Coleman-Dancer

Portrait of Matt Collins,

Matt Collins

Portrait of Whitney Copley,

Whitney Copley

Portrait of Alan Courshon,

Alan Courshon

Portrait of Yolanda Cox-Bey, Real Estate Professional Since 2005

Yolanda Cox-Bey

Real Estate Professional Since 2005
Portrait of Tim Craven,

Tim Craven

Portrait of Stephen Crawford,

Stephen Crawford

Portrait of Elisabeth Cunningham,

Elisabeth Cunningham

Portrait of Paul Davidson,

Paul Davidson

Portrait of Dee Davis,

Dee Davis

Portrait of Jen Davis, Realtor®

Jen Davis

Portrait of Latina Davis,

Latina Davis

Portrait of Phil Davis,

Phil Davis

Portrait of Justin Day,

Justin Day

Portrait of Caroline Dean,

Caroline Dean

Portrait of Mark Deutschmann,

Mark Deutschmann

Portrait of Gavren Dochterman, Gavren Dochterman

Gavren Dochterman

Gavren Dochterman
Portrait of Koren Dodson,

Koren Dodson

Portrait of Anna Dorris,

Anna Dorris

Portrait of David Dorris,

David Dorris

Portrait of Jamie Dorris,

Jamie Dorris

Portrait of Allison Downie,

Allison Downie

Portrait of Chandler Dupriest,

Chandler Dupriest

Portrait of Liz Earle, Realtor®

Liz Earle

Portrait of Mandy Eck, REALTOR®

Mandy Eck

Portrait of Kristopher Esqueda, REALTOR®, Advisor, Investor

Kristopher Esqueda

REALTOR®, Advisor, Investor
Portrait of Katie Evans,

Katie Evans

Portrait of Tyra Finkeldey, REALTOR®

Tyra Finkeldey

Portrait of Shelby Fortenberry,

Shelby Fortenberry

Portrait of Antonette Galletti,

Antonette Galletti

Portrait of Joshua Gardner,

Joshua Gardner

Portrait of Stephen Gause,

Stephen Gause

Portrait of Alan Good, Affiliate Broker

Alan Good

Affiliate Broker
Portrait of Sheldon Goodson,

Sheldon Goodson

Portrait of Joey Graham,

Joey Graham

Portrait of Sam Gray, Affiliate Broker

Sam Gray

Affiliate Broker
Portrait of Jake Griffin,

Jake Griffin

Portrait of The Schmid Group, Real Estate Team

The Schmid Group

Real Estate Team
Portrait of madonna hamilton,

madonna hamilton

Portrait of Julia Hansen,

Julia Hansen

Portrait of Dionne Harris, Affiliate Broker

Dionne Harris

Affiliate Broker
Portrait of Missy Harris, REALTOR®

Missy Harris

Portrait of Sydney Harris, REALTOR®

Sydney Harris

Portrait of Dave Haverkamp,

Dave Haverkamp

Portrait of Danielle Helling,

Danielle Helling

Portrait of Jamie Helms,

Jamie Helms

Portrait of Kindy Hensler,

Kindy Hensler

Portrait of Mackenzie Herrmann,

Mackenzie Herrmann

Portrait of Brett Hickey,

Brett Hickey

Portrait of Leslie Hill,

Leslie Hill

Portrait of Beth Hooker,

Beth Hooker

Portrait of Dallon Hudson,

Dallon Hudson

Portrait of Bob Huggins, Realtor

Bob Huggins

Portrait of Callie Hughes,

Callie Hughes

Portrait of Lon Hurst,

Lon Hurst

Portrait of Crystal Hutton,

Crystal Hutton

Portrait of Maria Jackson,

Maria Jackson

Portrait of Seth Jennings,

Seth Jennings

Portrait of Brandon Johns,

Brandon Johns

Portrait of Courtland Johnson, Courtland Johnson, REALTOR®

Courtland Johnson

Courtland Johnson, REALTOR®
Portrait of Kerrie Johnson,

Kerrie Johnson

Portrait of Pete Jones,

Pete Jones

Portrait of Valerie Jones,

Valerie Jones

Portrait of Keith Jordan,

Keith Jordan

Portrait of Nick Jordan, REALTOR

Nick Jordan

Portrait of Jessica Juliano, REALTOR®

Jessica Juliano

Portrait of Braylon Kirby, Realtor

Braylon Kirby

Portrait of Lara Kirby,

Lara Kirby

Portrait of Terrie Kirby,

Terrie Kirby

Portrait of Kristen Kosch,

Kristen Kosch

Portrait of David Langgood,

David Langgood

Portrait of Eva Lea, REALTOR®

Eva Lea

Portrait of Stacy Leonard,

Stacy Leonard

Portrait of Sam Logan,

Sam Logan

Portrait of Lindsley Long,

Lindsley Long

Portrait of Ryan Long,

Ryan Long

Portrait of Sarah Looney,

Sarah Looney

Portrait of Caleb Lovejoy,

Caleb Lovejoy

Portrait of Lee Lunsford,

Lee Lunsford

Portrait of Rob Mallernee, Affiliate Broker, REALTOR

Rob Mallernee

Affiliate Broker, REALTOR
Portrait of Kevin Mann, Realtor

Kevin Mann

Portrait of Mandy Mann,

Mandy Mann

Portrait of Miles Manter, REALTOR®

Miles Manter

Portrait of Hampton Mauzy,

Hampton Mauzy

Portrait of Sydney McCann,

Sydney McCann

Portrait of Jason McCoy,

Jason McCoy

Portrait of Mindy McCullar,

Mindy McCullar

Portrait of Kristen McDaniel,

Kristen McDaniel

Portrait of Alyssa McKinnis,

Alyssa McKinnis

Portrait of Bonnie McNichols,

Bonnie McNichols

Portrait of Brent McPherson,

Brent McPherson

Portrait of Rickie McQueen,

Rickie McQueen

Portrait of Janet McRae,

Janet McRae

Portrait of Brooke Meyers,

Brooke Meyers

Portrait of Alexandra Moga,

Alexandra Moga

Portrait of Lauren Momcilovich,

Lauren Momcilovich

Portrait of Barbara Moutenot,

Barbara Moutenot

Portrait of Devin Mueller,

Devin Mueller

Portrait of Giovanna Murillo,

Giovanna Murillo

Portrait of Whit Murray,

Whit Murray

Portrait of The One Group Nashville,

The One Group Nashville

Portrait of Stephen Neal,

Stephen Neal

Portrait of Andrea Niemiec,

Andrea Niemiec

Portrait of Anne Nilsson,

Anne Nilsson

Portrait of Hugh O'Donnell,

Hugh O'Donnell

Portrait of William Parker,

William Parker

Portrait of Ashley Peluse,

Ashley Peluse

Portrait of Tyler Pennington,

Tyler Pennington

Portrait of Jessica Pepera, Affiliate Broker, REALTOR®

Jessica Pepera

Affiliate Broker, REALTOR®
Portrait of Rebekah Petty,

Rebekah Petty

Portrait of Zach Phillips,

Zach Phillips

Portrait of Teddy Pins, Broker, REALTOR

Teddy Pins

Portrait of Danielle Pleasant,

Danielle Pleasant

Portrait of Shante' Pollard,

Shante' Pollard

Portrait of Krystie (Birdie) Powers,

Krystie (Birdie) Powers

Portrait of Chandler Premo,

Chandler Premo

Portrait of Katie Preston, REALTOR®

Katie Preston

Portrait of Taylor Pulford, REALTOR®

Taylor Pulford

Portrait of Jeanelle Reeves,

Jeanelle Reeves

Portrait of Terra Reeves,

Terra Reeves

Portrait of Toni Reyes,

Toni Reyes

Portrait of Corey Rodgers,

Corey Rodgers

Portrait of Virginia Rogan, Affiliate Broker

Virginia Rogan

Affiliate Broker
Portrait of Ryan Roller,

Ryan Roller

Portrait of Paul Ruff,

Paul Ruff

Portrait of Virginia Rundle,

Virginia Rundle

Portrait of Phil Ryan,

Phil Ryan

Portrait of Tim Schmid,

Tim Schmid

Portrait of Lisa Schoenhouse,

Lisa Schoenhouse

Portrait of Morgan Schofield, REALTOR®

Morgan Schofield

Portrait of Johnna Scott,

Johnna Scott

Portrait of Joe Scully, REALTOR®

Joe Scully

Portrait of Tina Self,

Tina Self

Portrait of Leah Selvig, REALTOR®

Leah Selvig

Portrait of Ed Sieffert, Realtor

Ed Sieffert

Portrait of Erin Simpson,

Erin Simpson

Portrait of William Smallman,

William Smallman

Portrait of Karen Speyer,

Karen Speyer

Portrait of Emily Stahlman,

Emily Stahlman

Portrait of Timothy Steele,

Timothy Steele

Portrait of Charles Steere, Afiliate Broker

Charles Steere

Afiliate Broker
Portrait of Peter Sternberg,

Peter Sternberg

Portrait of Sharica Stewart,

Sharica Stewart

Portrait of Brian Stoltzfus,

Brian Stoltzfus

Portrait of Rachel Stopper, Realtor

Rachel Stopper

Portrait of Shane Tallant,

Shane Tallant

Portrait of Clay Tate,

Clay Tate

Portrait of Brett Turner,

Brett Turner

Portrait of Khira Turner,

Khira Turner

Portrait of Paul Turner,

Paul Turner

Portrait of Alli Ulvila,

Alli Ulvila

Portrait of Jack Urbano,

Jack Urbano

Portrait of Brandon Verner,

Brandon Verner

Portrait of Beth Vincent,

Beth Vincent

Portrait of Chris Wade,

Chris Wade

Portrait of Joshua Wagner,

Joshua Wagner

Portrait of Jan Walters,

Jan Walters

Portrait of Chrissy Ware,

Chrissy Ware

Portrait of Patrick Waters, Realtor

Patrick Waters

Portrait of Justin Watkins,

Justin Watkins

Portrait of Alison Weiss, REALTOR®

Alison Weiss

Portrait of Kat Wellborn,

Kat Wellborn

Portrait of Katy Whatley,

Katy Whatley

Portrait of Tabitha Wheeler, Affiliate Broker

Tabitha Wheeler

Affiliate Broker
Portrait of Aaron White,

Aaron White

Portrait of Clay Whitson,

Clay Whitson

Portrait of Elizabeth Whitson, REALTOR

Elizabeth Whitson

Portrait of Kara Wilson,

Kara Wilson

Portrait of Chad Wohlers,

Chad Wohlers

Portrait of Tal Yazdian,

Tal Yazdian

Portrait of Zach Zola,

Zach Zola

Portrait of Lizzie Zuckerman,

Lizzie Zuckerman

Contact Nashville | Hillsboro Village to help you with your next home.